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Eisenhower Dance Detroit

With JMU’s Dance Program
Headlining the New Dance Festival

Fri - Sat, Sep 8 - 9 @ 8 pm


Eisenhower Dance Detroit

With JMU’s Dance Program
Headlining the New Dance Festival

Fri - Sat, Sep 8 - 9 @ 8 pm


“a nice balance between hip fun and serious dance”
Chicago Tribune 
Witness the incredible artistry and talent of the acclaimed touring dance company, Eisenhower Dance Detroit (EDD) in a major collaboration with dancers and faculty in JMU's Dance Program. Directed by Associate Dance Professor, Matt Pardo, the show features the EDD Company performing works by internationally recognized artists, Norbert De La Cruz, WeWolf, and EDD artistic director, Stephanie Pizzo. The concert also includes a duet choreographed by Pardo performed to live music by Pardo and EDD Company member, Tara Charvat. JMU and EDD dancers will perform alongside one another in Stephanie Pizzo’s work, State of Mind in this moving performance. Contains strobe lights and haze.
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