Forbes Center for the Performing Arts Naming Opportunities

The Forbes Center for the Performing Arts is open for instruction and performances. This 175,000 square–foot–facility boasts elegant performance spaces as well as state–of–the–art instructional classrooms, making it the region’s finest performing arts center. From the moment the donor enters the building they will feel their investment at work to enhance student education and performance.

At the level of $1 million the following opportunities remain:

The Concert Hall in the Shirley Hanson Roberts Center for Music Performance: This premium space is a 600 seat concert hall with a choral balcony and a full orchestra pit. The stage is prepared to receive a concert pipe organ should there be a future donor for such an instrument. Seats are plush, and ventilation from beneath the seating platforms will prevent the sound of heating and cooling from disturbing performances.

The Mainstage Theatre in the Dorothy Thomasson Estes Center for Theatre and Dance: This beautiful theatre seats 450 in comfortable plush seats. Complete with the President’s Box above the main audience and the Forbes Box on the opposite side of the staging area, this space is tastefully appointed with gorgeous wood trims and elegant fixtures. The proscenium is adjustable to fit the performance and the open pit floor allows for quick stage changes.

The Grand Lobby: At street level, this elegant lobby will serve as the main entertaining space for the two venues. Complete with the Grand Staircase and ability to access both the Concert Hall and the Mainstage Theatre, the Grand Lobby will be the main thoroughfare for the Forbes Center.

Other opportunities:

The Recital Hall for $500,000: The Recital Hall seats over 200. The space, created with student and faculty recitals in mind, allows for an intimate surrounding with a main stage feel. Tastefully appointed with wood finishes the hall is warm and inviting.

The Studio Theatre for $500,000: This well designed space allows students to completely configure performances based on the creativity of the director. From the lighting gallery to the staging floor and seating placement, this space is a director’s dream. Actors may take their place on a stage above the audience or below as the play dictates. The space gives a whole new meaning to “Theatre in the Round”.

The Large Ensemble Room for $250,000: Larger than the Music 108 Ensemble Room in the Music Building, this space will play host to the largest music performance groups on campus. From sectional rehearsals for the Marching Royal Dukes to full orchestra rehearsals, this space is sound proofed and filled with rehearsal capability.

The Dean’s Office Suite for $250,000: This beautiful suite holds offices and a conference room for the Dean and Associate Dean as well as other members of the senior management team for the College of Visual and Performing Arts. Overlooking the Quad and the Alumni Courtyard, the Suite opens to a beautiful balcony overlooking the original Madison College Campus.

East Side Veranda for $100,000: The Veranda is the perfect place for viewing the historic Quad from the second level of the Forbes Center for the Performing Arts. While awaiting the start of a show or during intermission, the Veranda will be where everyone wants to congregate to enjoy the views, a beverage or snack.

Admissions Suite (Music Side) for $100,000: The College of Visual and Performing Arts Admissions Suite is located on the west side of the second floor of the building. Tastefully appointed offices and amazing mountain views allow the perfect setting for potential students as they audition and interview for positions within the college.

Large Rehearsal Hall (Rehearsal Hall #1) for $100,000: This rehearsal space mirrors the Mainstage Theatre in floor area. All staging and blocking of performances will be done in this rehearsal hall. Complete with a mirrored wall, students will see the stage and their own performance as the audience sees it throughout the rehearsal period.

The Small Rehearsal Hall (Rehearsal Hall #2) for $75,000: Smaller than the large space but appointed with similar flooring and mirrors, this space will be used for small group/scene rehearsals when full stage blocking is not necessary.

Computer Lab, Music
Computer Lab, Theatre and Dance
Costume Shop
Green Room, Music
Green Room, Theatre
Scene Shop
Seminar Room
West Entrance Turnaround
East Side Semi-Circle Area
Concert Hall Upper Level Lobby

Control Room, Music
Control Room, Theatre
Faculty Design Studio #1 – #5

Studio Theatre, Dressing Room #1 and #2
Control Room, Studio Theatre
Dance Performance Dressing Room #2
Lighting Lab
Music Dressing Room #1 and #2
Piano Practice Room #2 – #10
Theatre Dressing Room #1 – #4

Faculty Office #2 – #11

Practice Room #8 – #16

For more information, contact Jeff Gilligan, senior director of the Office of Major, Corporate and Foundation Giving, at (540) 568-6278.

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